Chris Voigt, executive director of the Washington State Potato Commission, has just wrapped up his experiment of eating only potatoes for the last 60 days. Despite being hilarious and a clear PR stint for his organization -- the event is also a case study in the odd psychology behind single-food diet obsessions.
Whether its grapefruits or sardine and avocado sandwiches -- eating the same thing day after day establishes a rigorous pattern that inevitably deprives the body of some vitamins and calories and does occasionally result in weight-loss. Over short time frames, dieters see beneficial results often because of the cognitive impact of eating a certain food.
Cognitive psychology is based on the concept that the way you think affects how you feel and what you do. Cognitive therapy, then, helps you identify your self-defeating thinking and helps you respond to it so you can feel better and behave in helpful ways. However, long-term one-food diets are impractical and dangerous. While folks may get a good short term confidence boost from one-food wonders, the crash after the fact may leave you more despondent than before. Best to think positive about a more realistic diet and exercise regime. But cognitive theory to work on a plan that has more potential to remain sustainable.
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