Saturday, March 12, 2011

Has Google found the algorithm for good management?

Not yet. Google has spent the last two years analyzing performance reviews, feedback surveys and nominations for top-manager awards in order to identify the most significant phrases of praise or complaints.
According to the New York Times, "Google executives say they aren’t crunching all this data to develop some algorithm of successful management."
It did however, identify 8 core principles of good management. The results are not shocking: managers who take time to communicate, who respect their employees, who do not micromanage all do best.
What is new here is the idea that a company can use data to garner what makes an effective manager. Will these Google characteristics become the norm because they are "verifiable" through data? Will the company continue to segment its results by department type or employee characteristics? While it's interesting to read the results of studies like this and no one can deny the importance of a good manager in a work environment I can't help but think that bringing too much data in to this is overkill.

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